Old Britney’s demos leaked: Cover Of Whitney Houston’s “I Have Nothing”, “Luv the hurt away” and more!

OMG!! Merry Britmas everyone!!!  As you may already know,  a few days ago Reg Jones, Britney’s first boyfriend,  put several never heard before “…Baby One More Time” demos up for auction (and many other things) and the cassette included the Whitney Houston cover that gave her her record deal among several other songs…. And the songs finally began to leak!!!

Here’s the complete list of demos that are featured on these cassettes and the link to the leaked tracks. There’s also an aarly mix of …Baby One More Time :

  1. Soda Pop
  2. From The Bottom Of My Broken Heart
  3. Thinking About You
  4. Wishing On A Falling Star
  5. You’ve Got It All
  6. Love The Hurt Away ft. Full Force
  7. Nothing Less Than Real
  8. Let Me Take You There
  9. I Have Nothing (Whitney Houston cover)


Forgot to include the intro #britney #britneyspears #ihavenothing #like #pieceofme #rare #music

Una publicación compartida de Michael David Coogan (@michaeldcoogan) el

“You got it all” rough mix 1998

Una publicación compartida de Michael David Coogan (@michaeldcoogan) el