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Larry Rudolph resigns as Britney’s manager

The ship is sinking and the rats are fleeing. According to a new report by Deadline, Larry Ruloph has resigned as Britney’s manager.

First of all, here’s his full statement published by Deadline:

James P. Spears and Jodi Montgomery, as co-executors of the estate of Britney Spears:

It has been over 2 1/2 years since Britney and I last communicated, at which time she informed me she wanted to take an indefinite work hiatus. Earlier today, I became aware that Britney had been voicing her intention to officially retire.

As you know, I have never been a part of the conservatorship nor its operations, so I am not privy to many of these details. I was originally hired at Britney’s request to help manage and assist her with her career. And as her manager, I believe it is in Britney’s best interest for me to resign from her team as my professional services are no longer needed.

Please accept this letter as my formal resignation.

I will always be incredibly proud of what we accomplished over our 25 years together. I wish Britney all the health and happiness in the world, and I’ll be there for her if she ever needs me again, just as I always have been.

Larry Rudolph

Yeah, you can laugh.

First… „I have never been a part of the conservatorship nor its operations“ c’mon Larry, we are not stupid. I’m just gonna leave Britney’s words here as an answer: “ I was on tour in 2018 that I was forced to do. My management said that if I don’t do this tour I will have to find an attorney and, by contract, my own management could sue me if I didn’t follow through with the tour. He handed me a sheet of paper as I got off the stage in Vegas and said I had to sign it. It was very threatening and scary and, with he conservatorship, I couldn’t even get my own attorney.“ And here’s more „my Dad and anyone involved in this conservatorship, and my management who played a huge role in punishing me when I said no. Ma’am, they should be in jail.“ Oh and let’s not forget about this one: „My therapist told me my manager called him and told him I wasn’t cooperating in rehearsals. He also said I wasn’t taking my medication“ 

And we can find a lot of other examples of his involvement with the conservatorship over the years.

Second… BRITNEY FIRED HIM TWICE! He was re-hired by Jamie and Team Con when Jamie was appointed as conservator.

Third… „I became aware that Britney had been voicing her intention to officially retire“. That’s his lame excuse? Really? *eye roll*


Larry Rudolph „should not be able to get away and walk away so easily.“ It looks like he’s gone for good now, that’s a good thing for Britney, but still, he has to face the consequences for what he did to Britney. He deserves it. And don’t be fooled… He was part of Team Con.