Even though we don’t know what happened during today’s status hearing regarding the conservatorship, we do know one important thing: There’s a new Court Hearing set for September 18 and until then, an impartial third-party will conduct an evaluation of Britney and her mental state. This third-party will have to be approved by attorneys for Britney and Jamie Spears.
This is something that never happened during the 11 years of the conservatorship so it’s something really important. And this third-party is not involved at all in the conservatorship, he will only evaluate Britney and give his results to the Judge.
And probably the most important thing of the day is that Britney attended the Hearing with Lynne and got to speak with the Judge during a closed hearing.
Britney’s attorney said during the hearing that Britney wanted to address the court regarding “issues with medical care,” minor children and trade secrets so she also asked the courtroom to be cleared out to remain all that in private.
And according to TMZ, Britney asked for more freedoms under the conservatorship but that request was not granted.
We only have one photo of Britney leaving the Court but fans who were inside the courtroom said she looked relaxed and smiling.
And last but not least, MANY fans gathered outside Court to support Britney and the #FREEBRITNEY movement. As she was leaving the building, Britney’s car passed right in front of the fans so it’s almost certain that Brit saw them.

Having said that, all I wanna say is that I really pray and hope this new evaluation will be one step closer to her freedom. Because she deserves it. It’s been 11 years since the conservatorship was placed, there are LOTS of dirty details about Jamie, Lou, her court-appointed lawyer and everyone around her that it’s unbelievable she’s still being controlled by them. Everyone deserves to be free., Britney included. She’s a human being, not her team’s money machine.

ABC News channel 7 interviewing protesters outside the courtroom #FreeBritney #EndTheConservatorship #BritIsStronger
— Shay (@ShayBSpears) May 10, 2019
💪 #FreeBritney
— #BritneySpearsYoutube (@ObjetivoBArmy) May 11, 2019
Video I took today outside the courthouse, Downtown LA during the #FreeBritney protest #BritneyArmy
— Chris J (@MrBrownEyes87) May 11, 2019
#britisstronger BRITNEY ARMY READY TO SUPPORT 🚨🚨🚨🚨❤️❤️❤️❤️
— (@BRITfanforever) May 10, 2019
Britney and Lynne were both smiling ❤️
— ً (@emailmypussy) May 10, 2019
I’m so proud of you guys 💕 #EndBritneyCship #EndTheConservatorShip
— #FreeBritney (@BrltneySWorid) May 10, 2019
The #FREEBRITNEY movement is real Bitches!#EndTheConservatorship #BritIsStronger
— #BritneySpearsYoutube (@ObjetivoBArmy) May 10, 2019
Britney fans holding #freebritney rally outside LA superior court
— Carly Bagingito (@CBagingito) May 10, 2019
Let’s make it happen! Sending much love, strength and support to Britney today 🙏🏻❤️ Hoping the end of conservatorship! #BritIsStronger #EndTheConservatorship #FreeBritney #EndConservatorshipAbuse #BritneyIsStronger
— Fabrizio S. Guardato (@FGuardato) May 10, 2019
Britney Spears fans outside the Stanley Mosk courthouse in downtown LA, where there will soon be a status hearing on the pop star’s 11-year-long conservatorship. Members of the #FreeBritney movement believe Spears is being unreasonably controlled through the guardianship.
— Laura Newberry (@LauraMNewberry) May 10, 2019