2016/08/10   “Clumsy” and “Just Love Me” lyrics!

Earlier this morning, Britney’s new song “Clumsy” and a 30-second snippet of “Just Love Me” has been leaked. No, we will not share the links but here are the lyrics.

“Clumsy” will be released tonight at midnight so be sure to buy you the song on iTunes! Both songs will be part of her new album, Glory, coming out on August 26.


You don’t gotta say it
I knew that I’m worthy
You could ask me for a sorry
Like the calm before a storm
Ask for pieces of my body
Until all of it is yours
But I’m not gonna ask you for nothing just love me, just love me
Imma keep it simple real simple just love me, just love me.



But I love how you go down
Head first and slide it out
Again and again
Keep on bumping into you
Bangin’ all over this bedroom
Again and again

Call me a fool, call me insane
But don’t call it a day
Closer to you, closer to pain
It’s better than far away (ooh)

Hey, clumsy
Hey, clumsy (ooh)

Just happy you’re sleeping and I’ll be stressed?
Doing it ’round and then we splash
Again and again
My soul
You let it roll right off your tongue
Again and again

Call me a fool, call me insane
But don’t call it a day
Closer to you, closer to pain
It’s better than far away (ooh)
ooh ooh ooh

Hey, clumsy
Hey, clumsy (ooh)

Bangin’ all over this bedroom
C-clumsy, c-clumsy
Bangin’ all over this bedroom
C-clumsy, c-clumsy
Bangin’ all over this bedroom
Bangin’ all over this bedroom
Again and again and again and again and again and again and

Call me a fool, call me insane
But don’t call it a day
Closer to you, closer to pain
It’s better than far away (ooh)
ooh ooh ooh

Hey, clumsy
Hey, clumsy (ooh)