Categories Britney: Piece Of Me News Photos Videos

Britney triumphantly ends her „Piece Of Me“ residency in Las Vegas

After four successful years in Vegas, having done more than 240 shows, Britney’s „Piece Of Me“ residency has finaly ended. And what can we say about it? Piece Of Me has left a great legacy in Las Vegas and it has been amazing for Britney, who has improved incredibly since its begin at the end of 2013.

Now, we’ll see what’s in store for Britney in 2018. According to some rumors, she will take the Piece Of Me show“ on tour in Europe (Brit announced a show in Denmark a few days ago), before returning to Vegas with a new residency.

You can now find more than 200 HQ pics of last night’s show in our gallery.

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Tours > Britney: Piece Of Me (Las Vegas residency) > 2017 > December 31, 2017

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Una publicación compartida de Chip Parsons (@chipparsons87) el