Private Show

Private Show is Britney’s 20th fragrance and it will be released on July 25th, 2016 in the United States. It was announced on June 16, 2016 and according to a press release about the fragrance, Private Show’s scent was inspired by her “love of dulce de leche, white florals and iced coffee.”


Type Women’s fragrance
Released July 25, 201
Label Elizabeth Arden
Tagline „It’s your private show. #TakeABow“
Predecessor Maui Fantasy
Photos Click Here
Bonus CD None


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Private Show’s scent was inspired by her “love of dulce de leche, white florals and iced coffee.”


“Private Show celebrates one of my biggest passions — dancing! It is inspired by the electric energy I feel when I’m performing, whether during rehearsals or on-stage during my show,” Britney said of the scent. “I wanted my fans to have an uplifting, sexy scent that empowers them to achieve their dreams!”

The perfume is said to be a “tribute to [Spears’] accomplishments on and off stage,” and seeks to serve as “an inspiration for all of her fans.”

Private Show will be available starting on July 25 at Kohl’s and, with prices ranging from $9.99 for a fine fragrance mist to $52 for the full-size perfume bottle. In the UK the perfume it will be out in August.

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