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  New Era

I’m thrilled to welcome you to britspears.net, the best Britney Spears fan site, dedicated to bringing you the latest news and updates about the pop icon every day! We also offer an extensive gallery with over 500,000 images capturing the most iconic moments of Britney’s career.

We’re kicking things off with a fresh new look on the homepage, following the recent redesign of the gallery a few weeks ago. A big thank you goes to Mauuzeta.com for his amazing coding.

I hope you love the new look as much as I do!
Stay tuned for more updates, and enjoy exploring the site!


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  Brit-S.Net 10th anniversary!

On June 22nd Brit-S.Net celebrated its 10 years online! Although I adopted the site in June 2014, Britney Spears Fans has a long history as a fan site dedicated toBritney Spears, starting first under the domain “BritneyPeople.Com”. Unfortunately, the site lost all its content in recent years but we still continue bringing you all the news about Britney. Check out below some of the site’s layouts over the years. Click here to see the site’s archive.

And a BIG THANKS to Vinicius Emmerich, creator and original owner of the site and, of course, to all the owners and co-webs who helped in the site in all these years!

As you may notice, in the last weeks I’ve added more than 20.000 photos to our photogallery and I’m still working! So make sure you check it every day.


First post

October 2007 December 2010 September 2011 April 2013


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  ¡Bienvenidos a la nueva era de Britney Spears Fan!

¡Bienvenidos Army! Brit-s.net comienza una nueva era, totalmente renovado siendo ahora un fan site completamente en español. Aquí podrán encontrar diariamente sus últimas noticias y todo lo que están buscando saber sobre Britney. También contamos con una galería con mas de 14.000 fotos pero la iremos actualizando constantemente con fotos nuevas y viejas, así que estén atentos a las actualizaciones. También quedan varias secciones por actualizare, pero eso lo iremos haciendo de a poco en los próximos días.

Espero nos acompañen en esta nueva etapa y si tienen alguna duda o sugerencia no duden en contactarnos a admin@brit-s.net, responderemos a la brevedad. Muchas gracias.




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  Looking For Staff

I’m looking for people who have experience with wordpress,coppermine and ftp. I would like to add probably 2-4 people to post Britney news and to help update the gallery. I’m going to be some what picky about who I give the positions to since I’m not use to working with other people on fan sites but if your interested please send me an email at xoxoxosteph@gmail.com for more information.


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  So Sorry:(

I am so sorry about the lack of updates! I’m still dedicated to working on this site and building it up to be a huge source for Britney. Its just been a little difficult trying to find balance between work,life,family and having several fansites. Please bare with me.

credit to: Britney Spears Gifs


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  Open but still a work in progress.

Hello all! I decided to go ahead and open the site so you all can see the gorgeous layouts that were designed by my awesome friend Jessica I’ve been so busy with work and my life that its hard to find time to work on any of my sites but in a few weeks my work schedule is changing so that means more free time to get online.

As you may or may not know this location ( http://britspears.net) use to be the home to a large Britney gallery that had over 4 million views but when I adopted this site from the previous owner Kwes I decided to move the gallery so I could create a whole fansite for Brit. So I’m working on re-uploading all of the previous pictures to the new gallery. It will take some time since there was over 20,000 pics in the old gallery so please be patient with me.:)