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  Grazia Magazine: Scans + Interview

Here are the scans of the March 23 issue of Grazia Magazine, France, and parts of the interview (Thanks to BreatheHeavy for the translation).

Gallery Links:
Magazine Scans > 2018 > March 23 – Grazia Magazine, France

On why she prefers to work with younger artists and when will she release new music: “I don’t know,” but added that she “would especially like to write for others. There are amazing artists nowadays and I would like to work with the young generation. They are the ones who want to experiment. The older ones are more jaded… they don’t always put their heart into what they do. Working with young people… you see them shine and open themselves [up]. It’s a lot more interesting.”

On the matching denim outfits she and Justin Timberlake wore at the AMAs: “It was my idea. I love denim and corsets so that’s what I asked my stylist [to create]. As a joke, we gave Justin a jean jacket and honestly we thought he would never wear it., but he did and it went down in history. Beyond the fact that we were matching, I think it’s because it was different. I was also wearing a lot of diamonds and I think that the casual side of jeans along with a lot of jewelry made the whole outfit very cool.”


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  Another two unseen Marie Claire’s outtakes!

Yes! Britney posted another two new unseen outtakes from the Marie Claire’s photoshoot. She looks FLAWLESS!


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  New Marie Claire’s photoshoot Outtakes

As you may remember, Britney was on the cover of the October issue of Marie Claire UK magazine and now Britney has shared two beautiful unseen outtakes from the beautiful shoot. We still don’t understand how they were not used… They are beautiful!


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  Britney’s on the cover of Marie Claire UK!

Surprise! Britne’s on the cover of the October issue of Marie Clarie UK Magazine and we have the first picutres. She talked about Glory, being confident with her body, a very bad date she had and more. Marie Claire’s October issue, out now.


Gallery Links:
Photoshoots > 2016 > David Roemer
Magazine Scans > 2016 > October – Marie Claire UK

Say hello to the star of Marie Claire’s October issue, the inimitable Ms Britney Spears.

After a three-year stint in Vegas, Britney makes a storming return to the charts this month with her album Glory (currently bumping the number 1 spot). Speaking to writer Louise Gannon at Marie Claire’s LA cover shoot, Britney said she’s feeling far more comfortable in her skin these days. ‘I moved to Los Angeles when I was very young’ she said, ‘I was so under scrutiny. If a hair was out of place, I’d be so anxious. I would get very anxious about so many things.’

Britney thinks motherhood has played a big part in helping her to worry less. ‘Becoming a mother and being with my boys [Jayden, 9, Sean Preston, 10] has made me so much more accepting of myself. I’m their mom, whatever. That has been a really big thing for me over these last few years.’

She also revealed that being a multi platinum-selling, international pop star doesn’t make you immune to bad dates. ‘I had a really bad date’, she told us, ‘I mean, it was really bad. I’ve been single for ages and had a date with a guy I liked. I was getting anxious, worrying he wouldn’t like me. In the evening I got on the scales and I had lost six pounds.’ [She continues] ‘We went to the movies, but I could tell right away it wasn’t working. It was sort of awkward. So after the movie I came home and that was it. It just didn’t work […] He just wasn’t that into me. I liked him. He knew that. But he definitely didn’t feel the same. It happens to everybody. Being famous doesn’t make you any different.’

Three years of physically demanding Vegas shows have made Britney feel fitter and stronger than ever, even though her sister tries to stuff as many brownies into her mouth as possible when she sees her. ‘She’s always trying to get me to eat’ says Britney. ‘I never ate sushi until a year or so ago. I thought the idea of raw fish was horrible. Then we had a day in a hotel in Vegas and she ordered up every single bit of sushi they had and we sat there just eating everything. Now I’m hooked.’


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  Britney’s on the cover of Flaunt Magazine

O.M.G! TMZ published the cover of “Flaunt” magazine, which is about to come out. Britney was photographed by Ioulex and styled by Sean.

According to them, her VMAs performance is a high-tech performance to push her new album. “there are no big surprises — like a Madonna kiss or 12-foot python — it’s all about music.”

We can’t wait to see all the pictures! In the meantime, check out the HQ cover below.



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  New Britney outtake for V Magazine

Here’s a new outtake for V Magazine Spring 2016 issue.



EDITED: New outtake added.



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  V Magazine full interview and HQ outtakes

Read down below the full interview for V Magazine issue n°100 and check out the HQ photos in our gallery.


Gallery Links:
Photoshoots > 2016 > Mario Testino




A galaxy of musicians has graced the cover of V over the years, but only the star who appears on our 100th issue has a career that was born simultaneously with this magazine.

V1 dropped in September of 1999, only a few months after the release of …Baby One More Time, the landmark debut album that heralded the arrival of pop’s new princess, a Mickey Mouse Club alumnus who’d grown up into a music video Lolita, engineered by God to send the TRL generation into hysterics in the middle of Times Square.

Seventeen years, seven more albums, seven tours, two husbands, and two children later, Britney Spears is being captured by Mario Testino at Jim Goldstein’s architecturally renowned home in Los Angeles—the second time she’s posed for a V cover with the photographer. Her music of choice at the shoot includes female-driven hits from the past and current eras of pop: Madonna, Janet Jackson, and Selena Gomez. The vibe, she says, was relaxed. “It was really simple and sexy,” Spears recalls a few days later. “We were in a rock-and-roll guy’s house, which was out of this world, insanely beautiful. It was really different.” But Spears gives most of the credit for an enjoyable session to the maestro, Testino. “So much of it depends on the photographer you work with,” she says. “And he’s one of the best in the world. He was great, very quick, and we just had fun all day.”

Fun, relaxed, and efficient: all bywords for the way that Britney Spears exists in 2016. At 34 and a very “hands-on” single mother of two, she’s all about maintaining a work-life balance. She makes it apparent, in both arranging time for our interview and during the conversation itself, that nothing is more important to her than sons Sean Preston, 10, and Jayden, 9. Fortunately, Spears has a long-running gig happening that allows her to juggle her time between career and family most deftly: Piece of Me, her hit-packed show in residency at Las Vegas’s Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino, which recently relaunched for a second two-year run, in revamped form. With Vegas only a quick 40-minute flight from her L.A. home and the boys, Spears plays three shows a week in six-week legs. “I’m on for six weeks, then off for six weeks,” she explains. It’s about as stable and low-stress a scenario as a working pop musician can find, in marked contrast to a world tour, which Spears says would typically keep her away from home for as many as six months. “I just love the lifestyle of being in Vegas and going back and forth. No traveling and going to all those places, and just having this be my home. It’s amazing. Actually, we just moved in the last few weeks to a new house. It’s only two minutes away from my old house, and it’s really nice, and big. It’s really open for the kids. So I get to stay there, and just go back and forth.”

The big question surrounding Piece of Me when it launched in December of 2013 was whether a residency by an artist with a younger fan base could sustain itself in casino land, where the Strip has long been populated by veteran performers with older, deep-pocketed followers. Yet as of last fall, Britney’s show was still at 75 percent capacity business, according to Billboard, and over its first two years, it’s averaged a nearly 85 percent box office. It’s been a financial boon for Planet Hollywood and Caesar’s Entertainment, was voted “Best Overall Show” in 2015 by the readers of the site Best of Las Vegas, and has become a prime attraction for the more youthful crowds now frequenting Sin City. But when Spears made the decision to re-up for another two years, she resolved to make some tweaks to the show. “Since I’d been doing it for so long, I just made a few changes to keep it fresh. It’s fun for me, so it doesn’t get too old.”

Daily “ass-kicking” rehearsals in January led to the launch of Piece of Me 2.0 on February 13th, featuring an updated setlist, choreography, dancers, costumes, and video production. The Vegas theatrics are there—fire, water (Spears was inspired by Cirque du Soleil’s hydroplaning show O), snow, and simulated flight—the latter of which has led to a few hiccups. In her second show of 2016, a flying apparatus didn’t work, and she had to descend from a tree perch via hidden staircase, while on another occasion, she was left hanging. “The harness came off,” she recalls, as though it was no big deal. “It hooks from the right and the left, but the right came off, so I was just hanging from the left. In the moment, I was totally freaked out. But then I just got down, and it was fine.” While the show’s setlist spans Spears’s best, from “Baby One More Time” through 2015’s duet with Iggy Azalea, “Pretty Girls,” there will be more changes on that front as well, adding songs as the year goes on from the singer’s forthcoming album, details of which have been kept tightly under wraps.
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  ET shows new outtakes from V Magazine’s photoshoot

We already know that Brit’s on the cover of the n°100 issue of V Magazine and now, in an exclusive video, ET shows NEW and GORGEOUS outtakes from the photo session. Britney looks HOT! We can’t wait for the HQs!


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  Britney on the cover of V Magazine Spring 2016!

Surprise! Britney’s on the cover of the Spring issue of V Magazine with and gorgeous new photoshoot by Mario Testino. There are three diferents covers  for the magazine.


Join us as we celebrate our 100th issue! Starring Britney Spears photographed by Mario Testino and styled by Robbie Spencer for three covers and one iconic inside story, V100 brings you an all-star cast of image-makers, stylists, celebrities, designers, and contributors for a one-of-a-kind party in print. Taking the opportunity of this anniversary, we have put together an unprecedented double issue covering V’s past through a dedication to the contributors who made the dream of V possible, as well as bringing together the top names in music, art, film, and fashion right now for a look toward the future. Stay tuned for the surprise appearances we have in store and pre-order your copy to get a Piece of V delivered direct to your doorstep!

Pre Order Now




On her upcoming album: “Honestly, I’m just particular with this record. It’s my baby, and so I really want it done right. I would much rather have it be completely how I want it to be, whether that takes another year for me to do, or two months. I have no idea at this point. But I just know that the direction I’m going in is so good. It’s the best thing I’ve done in a long time. I’m proud of the work, and it’s very different; it’s not what you would think at all. But I’m not rushing anything. I just want it to be done right, so that my fans will truly appreciate it.”

On not being into technology: “Honestly, I still don’t use my computer. My kids use the computer more than I do! I understand that a lot of people are into it, and I have days where I write and stuff, but it’s really not for me. It’s not my thing.”

On haters: “Whoever is in the spotlight, people are really quick to judge. I mean, there are a lot of kids coming up who’ve experienced that. You know, Justin Bieber, he’s huge, and he experiences that. It’s just the way the world works, unfortunately. I’ve been doing this for 20 years. I kind of don’t pay attention to it. I have my relationship with God and myself and that’s what matters to me. I really don’t care what most people think.”

Read the rest of this entry


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  Britney Spears en la portada de la revista Billboard + Entrevist...

Britney es la nueva chica de tapa de la revista Billboard (USA) y en una entrevista exclusiva habla sobre su nuevo álbum, sus hijos y mucho mas.

A continuación les dejaré traducida un adelanto de la entrevista, la cual sale a la venta el día de mañana, 13 de Marzo.



Britney Spears ha realizado casi 100 shows en el Planet Hollywood Las Vegas desde que lanzó su octavo álbum de estudio, Britney Jean (2013). Y a pesar de que la cantante ha trabajado en el estudio desde Septiembre, no esperes un nuevo álbum pronto.

“Voy a hacer un nuevo álbum de a poco pero si lo haré. Tengo un montón de cosas por hacer con mis chicos y sus escuelas y, ya sabes, añadiendo nuevos deportes y cosas como esas. Trataré de dar lo mejor de mi para hacer un gran álbum pero ahora mismo no es mi propiedad” Reveló Britney a la revista, quien tiene dos hijos,  Sean Preston, 9, y Jayden James, 8, quien luego agregó entre risas, “Los hijos te pueden volver loca.”

Britney Jean debutó en el No. 4 del Billboard 200 en Diciembre del 2013, con ventas de 107.000 en su primer semana (Su debut mas bajo para un álbum de estudio). Este álbum incluye los singles que entraron en el Top 100, “Work Bitch” (No. 12) y “Perfume” (No. 76), los cuales canta en su show de Las Vegas, Piece Of Me. Hasta el 21 de Febrero, la residencia de Spears recaudó mas de $42 millones en venta de entradas, de acuerdo a lo informado por Caesars Entertainment, y la cantante está comprometida a seguir con la residencia hasta el final del 2015.

Sin embargo, Spears y Planet Hollywood están actualmente en negociaciones para expandir la residencia por otros dos años, finalizado en el 2017, por lo que un nuevo álbum de estudio sería aún mas difícil de realizar. “Ahora mismo nos estamos concentrando en simplemente sacar buenos singles. Realmente no estamos hablando en serio sobre un nuevo álbum. Los álbumes ya no son tan importantes en esta era digital como solían serlo. Eventualmente Britney sacará uno, pero no ahora.” Declaró Larry Rudolph, mánager de Britney.


Gallery Links:
Magazine Scans > 2015 > March 21 – Billboard Magazine
Photoshoots > 2015 > Billboard